
Category: Data Science

Data Science

Digital twin method can boost wireless network speed and reliability

July 24, 2024

Via: Tech Xplore

Computer science researchers have developed a new method for predicting what data wireless computing users will need before they need it, making wireless networks faster and more reliable. The new method makes use of a technique called a “digital twin,” […]

Data Science

What Is a Vector Database?

April 12, 2024

Via: Big Data Analytics News

Nowadays, more and more businesses use vector databases for their day-to-day processes. With this kind of technology, you can store and access large quantities of data in just about any format, ranging from text to images, videos, and audio content. […]

Data Science

Python vs. R: Which One Is Right for Data Science Students?

April 9, 2024

Via: Big Data Analytics News

In data science, two programming languages stand at the forefront of innovation and debate: Python and R. Each has carved out its own niche in statistical analysis, data visualization, and machine learning, attracting students and professionals alike to their robust […]

Data Science

5 Top Cheat Sheets to Master Data Science

December 15, 2023

Via: Big Data Analytics News

Data science encompasses statistics, machine learning, and data analysis. Navigating this expansive field is easier with handy cheat sheets. They’re not only great for technical interviews but also serve as valuable resources, offering a quick overview for beginners and aiding […]

Data Science

Upskilling for Emerging Industries Affected by Data Science

September 25, 2023

Via: SmartData Collective

Data science has been one of the biggest gamechangers affecting countless industries all around the world. More and more companies are hiring skilled data scientists to help them address some of their most pressing challenges. Due to the huge benefits […]

Data Science

What is Deep Learning and How Does It Works

July 26, 2023

Via: Big Data Analytics News

Welcome to the fascinating world of deep learning! In this brief introduction, we will unravel the essence of deep learning and explore its inner workings. As technology evolves, deep learning has emerged as a revolutionary approach to artificial intelligence. This […]

Data Science

AI Companies Seeking AI-Produced Data for Recursive Training

July 20, 2023

Via: Tom's Hardware

It seems that AI companies including Microsoft, OpenAI, and Cohere are doing everything they can to find synthetic data with which to train their AI products. Citing the limited availability of “organic” human-generated data in the world wide web, these […]

Data Science

Data Analytics Revolutionizing the Online Casino Industry: Insights and Innovations

July 18, 2023

Via: Big Data Analytics News

The online casino industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, and much of this success can be attributed to the integration of data analytics into various aspects of the business. Data analytics has revolutionized the way online casinos operate, […]

Data Science

The engines of AI: Machine learning algorithms explained

July 14, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Machine learning and deep learning have been widely embraced, and even more widely misunderstood. In this article, I’ll step back and explain both machine learning and deep learning in basic terms, discuss some of the most common machine learning algorithms, […]

Data Science

Data-Driven Organizations Must Use Talent Analytics Wisely

June 21, 2023

Via: SmartData Collective

Analytics is undoubtedly changing the future of the business world. We have talked about a number of the ways that business leaders are investing in big data technology and analytics. The market for talent analytics is projected to be worth […]

Data Science

Artificial neurons mimic complex brain abilities for next-generation AI computing

May 5, 2023

Via: Tech Xplore

Researchers have created atomically thin artificial neurons capable of processing both light and electric signals for computing. The material enables the simultaneous existence of separate feedforward and feedback paths within a neural network, boosting the ability to solve complex problems. […]

Data Science

Unlocking the power of real-time analytics: 5 key considerations

April 24, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

In a recent research survey from TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group, we found that only 4% of organizations have the ability to get real-time insights from their data. For another 28%, it takes days, and 45% report that it takes weeks […]

Data Science

Boosting Your Chances for Landing a Job as a Data Scientist

March 14, 2023

Via: SmartData Collective

Are you interested in getting a job as a data scientist? This is a very rapidly growing field. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are 113,300 data scientists in the United States. The number of data science jobs […]

Data Science

Google’s one step closer to building its 1,000-language AI model

March 6, 2023

Via: The Verge

As Microsoft and Google butt heads over whose AI chatbot is better, that isn’t the only use for machine learning and language models. Along with rumored plans to show off more than 20 products powered by artificial intelligence during its […]

Data Science

Embedded BI Tools Bring Huge Benefits to Business Applications

March 3, 2023

Via: SmartData Collective

Business intelligence has made a huge mark on the world of business. According to Fortune Business Insights, businesses spent around $24.05 billion BI solutions in 2021. However, many workplaces are still trying to figure out how to leverage business intelligence […]

Data Science

When should data scientists try a new technique?

January 26, 2023

Via: Tech Xplore

If a scientist wanted to forecast ocean currents to understand how pollution travels after an oil spill, she could use a common approach that looks at currents traveling between 10 and 200 kilometers. Or, she could choose a newer model […]

Data Science

IBM says quantum computing could be a big risk to the future of encryption

January 18, 2023

Via: Techradar

A report(opens in new tab) from IBM has claimed quantum computing poses an “existential risk” to the current encryption protocols that secure our most sensitive data, like digital transactions. Protocols like public key cryptography (PKC) are said to be vulnerable […]

Data Science

What Role Does Big Data Have on the Deep Web?

January 11, 2023

Via: SmartData Collective

However, one thing is certain: advances in big data technology have played a huge role in driving changes in the deep web. It is a good idea for database developers, programmers, online businesses and other Internet technology professionals to learn […]

Data Science

5 Current Trends in Big Data for 2022 and Beyond

December 1, 2022

Via: SmartData Collective

The world of big data is constantly changing and evolving, and 2021 is no different. As we look ahead to 2022, there are four key trends that organizations should be aware of when it comes to big data: cloud computing, […]

Data Science

What Data Scientists Must Know About Italy’s Tech Credentials

November 23, 2022

Via: SmartData Collective

The demand for AI and data science professionals is growing all over the world. Many data scientists are pursuing careers in Europe and Asian, which means that they have to be aware of the opportunities and requirements abroad. Italy is […]