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Nvidia publishes eight security flaws patched by new drivers — update to fix the issues

February 29, 2024


Nvidia has pubslihed a new security bulletin highlighting all of the security vulnerabilities its latest 551.61 Game Ready Driver, 474.82, and 474.89 security drivers issued earlier this month. The security bulletin is quite long, highlighting several vulnerabilities that Nvidia’s older drivers are plagued by. So if you are on an older driver it’s worth updating to the latest Nvidia graphics driver your GPU or operating system supports to keep your system safe from hackers.

Nvidia announced a total of eight security vulnerabilities affecting its older GPU drivers. Most of these flaws surround vulnerabilities in the Windows/Linux kernel, Windows user model layer, memory location in Linux, and Nvidia’s vGPU plugin. These flaws can allow an attacker to execute exploits involving code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering.

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