
Category: Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, Security

6 Types of Applications Security Testing You Must Know About

July 25, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Application security testing is a critical component of modern software development, ensuring that applications are robust and resilient against malicious attacks. As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and frequency, the need to integrate comprehensive security measures throughout the […]

Cybersecurity, Security

5 Key Questions CISOs Must Ask Themselves About Their Cybersecurity Strategy

July 8, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Events like the recent massive CDK ransomware attack – which shuttered car dealerships across the U.S. in late June 2024 – barely raise public eyebrows anymore. Yet businesses, and the people that lead them, are justifiably jittery. Every CISO knows […]

Cybersecurity, Security

How evolving AI regulations impact cybersecurity

July 2, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

While their business and tech colleagues are busy experimenting and developing new applications, cybersecurity leaders are looking for ways to anticipate and counter new, AI-driven threats. It’s always been clear that AI impacts cybersecurity, but it’s a two-way street. Where […]

Cybersecurity, Security

Beyond Threat Detection – A Race to Digital Security

May 31, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Digital content is a double-edged sword, providing vast benefits while simultaneously posing significant threats to organizations across the globe. The sharing of digital content has increased significantly in recent years, mainly via email, digital documents, and chat. In turn, this […]

Cybersecurity, Security

Microsoft Warns of Surge in Cyber Attacks Targeting Internet-Exposed OT Devices

May 31, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Microsoft has emphasized the need for securing internet-exposed operational technology (OT) devices following a spate of cyber attacks targeting such environments since late 2023. “These repeated attacks against OT devices emphasize the crucial need to improve the security posture of […]

Cybersecurity, Security

White House calls on tech companies to help stop deepfakes

May 23, 2024

Via: Mashable

The Biden administration has made clear its stance on deepfakes: Technology companies must play a critical role in stopping such imagery, which is generated by artificial intelligence. On Thursday, the White House published a list of steps tech companies should […]

Computing, Cybersecurity, Security, Software & Applications

12 principles for improving devsecops

May 20, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

I once transitioned from a SaaS CTO role to become a business unit CIO at a Fortune 100 enterprise that aimed to bring startup development processes, technology, and culture into the organization. The executives recognized the importance of developing customer-facing […]

Cybersecurity, Security

Cybercriminals Exploiting Microsoft’s Quick Assist Feature in Ransomware Attacks

May 15, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence team said it has observed a threat it tracks under the name Storm-1811 abusing the client management tool Quick Assist to target users in social engineering attacks. “Storm-1811 is a financially motivated cybercriminal group known to […]

Cybersecurity, Security

7 application security startups at RSAC 2024

May 14, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The innovation hub of RSAC 2024, the RSAC Early Stage Expo was specifically designed to showcase emerging players in the information security industry. Among the 50 exhibitors crammed into the second floor booth space, seven VC-backed up-and-comers in application security […]

Cybersecurity, Internet, Security, Wireless & Cloud

The Fundamentals of Cloud Security Stress Testing

May 8, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

״Defenders think in lists, attackers think in graphs,” said John Lambert from Microsoft, distilling the fundamental difference in mindset between those who defend IT systems and those who try to compromise them. The traditional approach for defenders is to list […]

Cybersecurity, Security

New Guide Explains How to Eliminate the Risk of Shadow SaaS and Protect Corporate Data

May 3, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

SaaS applications are dominating the corporate landscape. Their increased use enables organizations to push the boundaries of technology and business. At the same time, these applications also pose a new security risk that security leaders need to address, since the […]

Cybersecurity, Security

U.S. Government Releases New AI Security Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure

April 30, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

The U.S. government has unveiled new security guidelines aimed at bolstering critical infrastructure against artificial intelligence (AI)-related threats. “These guidelines are informed by the whole-of-government effort to assess AI risks across all sixteen critical infrastructure sectors, and address threats both […]

Cybersecurity, Security

Malicious Google Ads Pushing Fake IP Scanner Software with Hidden Backdoor

April 18, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

A new Google malvertising campaign is leveraging a cluster of domains mimicking a legitimate IP scanner software to deliver a previously unknown backdoor dubbed MadMxShell. “The threat actor registered multiple look-alike domains using a typosquatting technique and leveraged Google Ads […]

Cybersecurity, Security

CISO Perspectives on Complying with Cybersecurity Regulations

April 5, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Compliance requirements are meant to increase cybersecurity transparency and accountability. As cyber threats increase, so do the number of compliance frameworks and the specificity of the security controls, policies, and activities they include. For CISOs and their teams, that means […]

Cybersecurity, Security

House of Representatives bans the use of Copilot over security concerns

April 1, 2024

Via: TechSpot

In guidance to congressional offices issued by The House’s Chief Administrative Officer, Catherine Szpindor, and seen by Axios, it’s stated that Copilot is “unauthorized for House use.” The guidance adds that Copilot will be removed from and blocked on all […]

Cybersecurity, Security

AT&T confirms data leak affecting 73 million customers after spending two weeks denying it

April 1, 2024

Via: TechSpot

When the massive trove of data was posted for sale on a cybercrime forum early this month, AT&T said it did not originate from its systems, even though the poster said it was stolen from a 2021 breach of the […]

Cybersecurity, Mobile, Security, Smartphones

Malicious Apps Caught Secretly Turning Android Phones into Proxies for Cybercriminals

April 1, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

Several malicious Android apps that turn mobile devices running the operating system into residential proxies (RESIPs) for other threat actors have been observed on the Google Play Store. The findings come from HUMAN’s Satori Threat Intelligence team, which said the […]

Cybersecurity, Security

CISA Alerts on Active Exploitation of Flaws in Fortinet, Ivanti, and Nice Products

March 26, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Monday placed three security flaws to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, citing evidence of active exploitation. The vulnerabilities added are as follows – CVE-2023-48788 (CVSS score: 9.3) – Fortinet FortiClient EMS SQL Injection […]

Cybersecurity, Security

AI used extensively for security but not for coding, JFrog survey finds

March 20, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

In JFrog’s just-released Software Supply Chain State of the Union 2024 report, the software supply chain platform provider found extensive use of AI and machine learning tools for security. However, only one in three software developers the company surveyed use […]

Cybersecurity, Security

Crafting and Communicating Your Cybersecurity Strategy for Board Buy-In

March 19, 2024

Via: The Hacker News

In an era where digital transformation drives business across sectors, cybersecurity has transcended its traditional operational role to become a cornerstone of corporate strategy and risk management. This evolution demands a shift in how cybersecurity leaders—particularly Chief Information Security Officers […]