
Tag: ASP.NET Core

Computing, Software & Applications

How to build a microservice in ASP.NET Core

September 14, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Microservices architecture describes a collection of loosely coupled, extensible, independently deployable services that interact with each other through well-defined interfaces. This article examines microservices architecture, its benefits and drawbacks, and then illustrates how we can implement a simple microservice in […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to use parameter binding in minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core

February 23, 2023

Via: Info World

Minimal APIs are a type of API in ASP.NET Core that includes a bare minimum of files, features, and dependencies. Minimal APIs allow you to build fully functional REST endpoints with minimal coding and configuration. One of many new enhancements […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to use the Developer Exception Page in ASP.NET Core MVC

October 7, 2021

Via: Info World

The Developer Exception Page in ASP.NET Core provides detailed information about exceptions. Because developers need detailed information about exceptions, and end users don’t, the ASP.NET Core templates enable the Developer Exception Page only when an application is running in the […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to build lightweight services in ASP.NET Core 6

August 11, 2021

Via: Info World

When working in web applications in ASP.NET Core, you might often want to build services that are lightweight — i.e., services that don’t have a template or controller class — for lower resource consumption and improved performance. You can create […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to avoid redundant DI code in ASP.NET Core

June 23, 2021

Via: Info World

When working with controllers in web applications using ASP.NET Core or ASP.NET Core MVC, you might have encountered code redundancy. For example, you might have come across controllers that use dependency injection (DI) to inject services that they need. If […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to use LazyCache in ASP.NET Core MVC 5

February 22, 2021

Via: Info World

Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core has become a popular way to build high-performance, modern web applications that can run on Windows, Linux, or MacOS. An important way to ensure high performance and reliability in applications that experience high volumes of requests is […]

Computing, Cybersecurity, Security, Software & Applications

How to use security headers in ASP.NET Core MVC 5

January 11, 2021

Via: Info World

ASP.NET Core MVC 5 is a lightweight, open source, highly testable framework built on top of the ASP.NET Core 5 runtime and based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. Part of the new .NET 5, the ASP.NET Core MVC 5 framework […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to use the ProblemDetails middleware in ASP.NET Core

October 12, 2020

Via: Info World

For an API to be maintainable and usable there should be consistency in the way responses are sent to the clients. This article talks about ProblemDetails, open source ASP.NET Core middleware from Kristian Hellang that can be used to generate […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to create route constraints in ASP.NET Core

October 5, 2020

Via: Info World

Route constraints in ASP.NET Core are used to filter out or restrict unwanted data from reaching your controller actions. For a primer on routing in ASP.NET Core, you can refer to my previous article on attribute-based routing versus convention-based routing […]

Computing, Data Management, Software & Applications

How to manage user secrets in ASP.NET Core

September 28, 2020

Via: Info World

When working with с web applications, you will want to protect certain pieces of application data, called user secrets, that should not be shared with others. Your user secrets might include a database connection string that also contains the user […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to build gRPC applications in ASP.NET Core

August 31, 2020

Via: Info World

gRPC is a Google-created, open source, schema-first remote procedure call (RPC) framework that takes advantage of HTTP/2 protocol to transport binary messages. These messages are serialized and deserialized using Protocol Buffers, a binary serialization protocol also from Google. gRPC takes […]

Computing, Operating Systems

Microsoft patches two zero-days with active exploits

August 12, 2020

Via: Computer Weekly

Microsoft has addressed a total of 120 new vulnerabilities in yet another mammoth Patch Tuesday update, including two critical zero-days that are already being taken advantage of in the wild, and 17 more critical bugs. August 2020’s Patch Tuesday list […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How to use API Analyzers in ASP.NET Core

July 20, 2020

Via: Info World

API Analyzers, introduced with ASP.NET Core 2.2, enable you to follow a set of conventions to improve the documentation of the APIs of your ASP.NET Core applications. API Analyzers work with any controller that is decorated with the [ApiController] attribute. […]

Computing, Data Management

How to use route data tokens in ASP.NET Core

July 13, 2020

Via: Info World

ASP.NET Core is an open source, cross-platform, lean, and modular framework for building high-performance web applications. Routing in ASP.NET Core is managed by built-in routing middleware, which maps the incoming requests to the respective route handlers. The routing infrastructure in […]