
Tag: bitcoin

Computing, Data Management

How blockchain is evolving

April 14, 2022

Via: Info World

The blockchain is well known for enabling digital currencies. Although cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have the lion’s share of media attention, there is another revolutionary possibility inherent in blockchain technology: secure, decentralized data processing.Don’t let the dull wording dent your enthusiasm. […]


Blockchain: Beyond Cryptocurrency

July 8, 2021

Via: Sean Jefferson

Since the turn of the year, almost everyone has been talking about cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, the largest, most popular cryptocurrency, hit an all-time high of $63,729.5 a coin. Around the same time, Elon Musk announced that Tesla would be allowing customers […]


Future Technologies Can Make the World a Better Place

May 21, 2021

Via: Natalie Dunn

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, and many people were left wondering what, if any, future technologies can be used to prevent future outbreaks and build a better future. Tech novelties have been used to improve our […]


Google ends cryptocurrency ad ban

September 25, 2018

Via: Techradar

Google has announced it is reversing its decision to ban advertisements for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The online giant blocked such adverts back in March as part of a security crackdown, but has now apparently changed its mind and will […]

Performance, security, and availability

Cryptos bounce after being sent lower by another exchange hack

June 20, 2018

Via: Market Watch

Security issues continue to dog the cryptocurrency industry after yet another hack of a prominent South Korean exchange. Bithumb, the sixth largest cryptocurrency in the world according to data from CoinMarketCap, said Wednesday that “some cryptocurrencies worth about 35 billion […]

Computing, Software & Applications

How Small Businesses Could Start Using Blockchain in the Near Future

June 11, 2018

Via: Aberdeen Essentials

Blockchain technology is behind some of the most exciting and widely-discussed assets of the last two years. Many cryptocurrencies that rely on blockchain technology have been making headlines in recent months, with Bitcoin and Ethereum dominating one financial news cycle […]

Challenges, Trends

What Are the Security Vulnerabilities of a Public Blockchain Network?

May 3, 2018

Via: VMBlog

Blockchain is widely recognized as the technology that powers Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but it also has other potential uses in sectors such as health care, insurance and Internet of Things technology. Private companies can also set up private blockchains, […]


The Future of Bitcoin & Its Mysterious Creator

March 1, 2018

Via: Sofia Allende

Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto? To this day, the identity of the man who invented the digital currency Bitcoin is enshrined in mystery. That’s right, Satoshi Nakamoto’s true identity has never been confirmed. According to NYTimes writer Nathaniel Popper, “someone using […]

Data Science, Internet

Microsoft Introduces Blockchain Proof of Concept Framework for Developers

June 11, 2017

Via: InfoQ

Microsoft announced a framework for accelerating enterprise-ready proof of concept (PoC) blockchain deployments in their Azure cloud platform. Microsoft wants their customers focused on developing sound business scenarios through smart contracts and less time on the infrastructure that underpins distributed […]

Data Science, Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Microsoft Adds Support for Additional Blockchain Protocols in Azure

June 4, 2017

Via: InfoQ

Microsoft announced additional blockchain protocol support in Azure. These new investments include support for more complex blockchain and distributed ledger network deployments, including HyperLedger Fabric, R3 Corda, Quorum, Chain Core and BlockApps. Microsoft previously focused on simpler topologies, such as […]

Hacking, Security

Prominent Bitcoin exchange hacked wiping $65 million from wallets

August 3, 2016

Via: Mashable

Prominent Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex was hacked Wednesday, leading to a rumoured loss of bitcoin worth up to $65 million. The Hong Kong company halted trading on its website, where a notice states: “Today we discovered a security breach that requires […]

Apps & OS

Uber denies rumor it will support Bitcoin

July 9, 2015

Via: Ruth Reader

Bitcoin enthusiasts will be dismayed to learn they’ll have to continue paying for Uber with traditional currencies. Uber says it is not exploring a Bitcoin payment option. The statement is a response to an image posted on photo-sharing site Imgur […]