
Did older Apple iPhone models get speed boost with iOS 9.2.1 update?

January 21, 2016


While just a maintenance build containing bug fixes and security updates, there actually is a reason for those rockin’ older iPhone models to be excited about this update. For example, a YouTube video shows the side-by-side comparison of an Apple iPhone 4s running both iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9.2.1. While the phone does boot up slower using the latest iOS update, it actually loads some applications just as fast or faster with iOS 9.2.1.

Apple has traditionally disabled some features when sending out a new iOS update to models that are one or two-years old. Despite this, some users have complained that Apple is using planned obsolescence to force those with an older iPhone to shell out the cash to buy the newest model. A class action lawsuit was filed against Apple last month, claiming that Apple misled with its statement that iOS 9 would be compatible with the Apple iPhone 4s.

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