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Wasmer 3.0 revamps API, memory management

November 29, 2022

Version 3.0 of the Wasmer server-side runtime for WebAssembly (Wasm) has just been released, with improved API and memory management and the ability to run WAPM (WebAssembly Package Manager) packages directly.

Launched November 23, open source Wasmer 3.0 features a Rust API that has been rebuilt. With this new API and memory management style, developers can safely store Wasm objects in the Store. Wasmer 3.0 also introduces a new MemoryView and brings wasmer-js, which runs Wasmer in the browser with wasmer-bindgen, to feature parity with wasmer-sys, which runs Wasmer natively. A beefed up wasmer run command now allows any package published to to be run directly from the Wasmer CLI.

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