
Tag: cloud architecture

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Do you need both cloud architects and cloud engineers?

October 3, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Cloud architecture is a high-level design that outlines the overall structure and components of a cloud-based system and how those components interrelate, considering scalability, availability, security, and performance. It defines how various cloud services and resources are integrated to meet […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

The risks of low-code and no-code development in cloud architecture

September 19, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Low-code and no-code development platforms have gained significant traction recently, and more so with the rise of artificial intelligence in 2023. This technology promises to democratize application development and empower “citizen developers.” If it sounds familiar, we tried this back […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Don’t let buzzwords drive your cloud architecture

February 24, 2023

Via: Info World

Buzzwords drive the IT industry—always have and always will. This holds true whether you deal with structured programming, object-oriented programming, client/server, distributed objects, enterprise application integration, data warehousing, and service-oriented architecture. Now it’s cloud computing with all its related buzzwords. […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

How multicloud changes devops

February 3, 2023

Via: Info World

Devops or devsecops (I’ll use devops for this post) is more than just a fast way to build and deploy software within the cloud and on traditional systems. It’s now a solid standard, with best practices, processes, and widely accepted […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

3 cloud architecture best practices for industry clouds

December 23, 2022

Via: Info World

The concept of industry clouds is not all that new, but enterprise interest is rising by the day and investment in industry clouds is exploding as companies seek higher returns on their cloud computing investments. As industry-related technology becomes better […]

Computing, Data Management

When to architect for the edge

December 19, 2022

Via: Info World

Edge computing refers to geographically locating infrastructure in proximity to where data is generated or consumed. Instead of pushing this data to a public or private cloud for storage and computing, the data is processed “on the edge,” using infrastructure […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Which cloud is for you?

September 26, 2022

Via: Info World

Sure, sure. You’re totally “all in” on cloud. You and everyone else, right? Well, no. As we’ve covered multiple times, as hot as cloud is right now, it’s still a teeny, tiny fraction of overall IT spending, no matter what […]

Computing, Data Management

Start with a logical cloud architecture

September 9, 2022

Via: Info World

Throughout my career as a practitioner and teacher of cloud architecture and general enterprise architecture, I’ve focused on the distinction between logical and physical architectures. It’s no secret what they comprise: A logical architecture is a structure of technology concepts […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Don’t overengineer your cloud architecture

August 2, 2022

Via: Info World

I restore and fix classic motorcycles in my hard-to-find spare time. Since I’m a better cloud architect than motorcycle mechanic, I focus more on the design patterns for each brand, model, and type of motorcycle than another person might. Or, […]

Computing, Data Management

Traditional architecture still has a place in the cloud

July 1, 2022

Via: Info World

As so many enterprises confidently add an “s” to their “year” of experience in cloud computing, some traditional IT architecture concepts are beginning to pop back up. These concepts can make or break a cloud deployment, but they’re largely forgotten […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

The biggest multicloud mistake people are making

May 3, 2022

Via: Info World

I can tell by the hits on this blog that multicloud is more than a trend; it now drives much of the thinking about how we build and deploy cloud-based solutions. Most shifts in thinking, particularly pivots in how we […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Why we multicloud

April 22, 2022

Via: Info World

Multicloud is a more polarizing concept than I once thought. Because multicloud is an overwhelming trend these days, I often hear both sides of the debate about whether multicloud is the next evolution of cloud. Or will it simply create […]


Data Science in Administration: Top Use Cases and Main Challenges

April 19, 2022

Via: Natalie Dunn

Governments are increasingly in need of intelligent platforms capable of collecting, cleansing, filtering, and analyzing large amounts of data. This wide range of data processes can be harnessed to create a “single version of the truth”, allowing them to see […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Approach cloud architecture from the outside in

April 15, 2022

Via: Info World

It’s the last three weeks of a 22-month cloud architecture project. You defined and designed a configuration that defines many cloud computing resources: databases, artificial intelligence engines, application development platforms, devops toolchains, cloudops tools, as well as security and governance. […]

Computing, Data Management

Cloud architecture must accommodate rapid change

January 25, 2022

Via: Info World

Let’s say there’s a five-year-old midsize biotech company. We’ll call it MidCo, and they specialize in the automated testing of blood and tissue samples. The bottom line boomed during MidCo’s first five years in business. However, new startup competitors produce […]

Computing, Data Management

What is Google Cloud Anthos? Managed Kubernetes everywhere

January 21, 2022

Via: Info World

Google Cloud launched the Anthos platform in April 2019, promising customers a way to run Kubernetes workloads on-premises, in the Google Cloud, and, crucially, in other major public clouds including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Speaking at Google […]

Computing, Data Management

View cloud architecture through a new optimization lens

January 14, 2022

Via: Info World

As cloud computing architecture comes of age, the ways we define success should mature as well. In 2021, I pointed out that optimizing cloud computing is more of a binary process than an analog one. What I said then is […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Will multicloud save us from outages?

December 14, 2021

Via: Info World

I can tell when there is a public cloud outage because my phone blows up. It’s usually reporters who want quotes about the impact on businesses, ways to avoid the impact, and the likelihood that this is a forthcoming trend. […]

Computing, Data Management

Abstracting public clouds down to common services

November 12, 2021

Via: Info World

The advanced features of public cloud providers’ native services offer clear benefits. Most enterprises now exploit cloud-native patterns in developing new applications, even in the augmentation of migrated applications. However, most enterprises would like to minimize lock-in to specific cloud […]

Internet, Wireless & Cloud

Mind the value at risk with cloud computing solutions

October 26, 2021

Via: Info World

Risk is part of our everyday lives. We risk an auto accident when we drive to the store but choose to do so since the value of obtaining food outweighs the minimal risk of driving a short distance. Most of […]